Click here to endorse the Portland Street Response campaign!
The following are some of the reasons why people have endorsed our campaign.
As chair of the House Committee on Human Services and Housing, I know how critical our housing and houselessness crisis is. I participated in Street Roots’ survey this summer to interview people experiencing houselessness about how they would respond to various approaches. I am in huge favor of the proposed model!
While I am fighting hard to secure more state resources for transitional and permanent supportive housing and behavioral health services, I applaud local initiatives like this to meet the needs of our most vulnerable citizens.
Rep. Alissa Keny-Guyer, Chair, Oregon House Committee on Human Services and Housing
We need to focus on compassion, de-escalation, and harm reduction when we are serving people in crisis. We need to be better prepared as a whole community to respond to crisis and that includes knowing when to seek assistance and who to call. We need to be smarter about how we use our resources — armed police officers are not the appropriate response for many of the calls received by 911. This response plan would be a huge step in the right direction.
Chloe Eudaly, Portland City Commissioner
Law enforcement is charged with addressing crime. Conditions like mental illness and drug use disorder are not crimes. Those conditions took my father’s life when I was a teenager–I know first hand that a public health approach offering support and services will result in much better outcomes for everyone in our community.
Sam Chase, Metro Councilor
Portland Street Response is a model for how we can respond to mental health crises in the houseless community in a more effective, trauma-informed manner, by avoiding the use of police.
Khanh Pham, Democratic nominee for Oregon House District 46
Everyone deserves to be treated with care, compassion, and respect when in crisis.
Splendid Cycles
We as students and future health professionals bear witness to the public health crisis that is violent policing – in our communities, in the ER, in clinics. We train in order to realize a future in which our patients, neighbors, friends, colleagues co-create safety in our communities.
Oregon Student Service Corps
Growing up my mother and 5 of us kids lived homeless, not many options for us, by age 10 in 1996 I was placed in the system as a ward of the state and faced more abuse there then I did living with an addict mother, having something like PSR in the neighborhood I grew up in could have made the difference and allowed our family to heal together, instead she was incarcerated and stripped of the opportunity to fix her mistakes. All she needed was a voice and opportunity instead we had our family thrusted in all different directions 5 siblings separated from their mother and siblings, Had our city then had a Street Response team things could likely have been different and additional trauma could have been avoided. I support a Street Response team because I know first hand that it could have been the answer.
David Pack, Cartoonist
As a social worker I am well aware that there are innumerable professionals better equipped to assist folks experiencing mental health crisis, substance use disorders, and houselessness than the Police. Let’s reallocate resources to best assist our most vulnerable community members!
Anna Kirkpatrick
Living in close in SE for 22 years I have seen the increase to homelessness, the defunding of my children’s public education and a raise in drug use. The police are not trained to handle the mental health crisis I see daily, they are not social workers and they definitely do not belong in my child’s school. The system has been set up to be systematically racist since it began it’s doing exactly what it was set up to do. Kill and lock up the Black community. There have been many times I wish I could’ve called a mental health crisis worker or someone who is familiar with drug addiction as opposed to the police who are trained in violence and military tactics enough is enough.
Jennifer Darling, Personal Trainer
This program is positive action ready to go with city council support. Do not let this opportunity slip away.
Bonnie Hunt
these are my sisters and brothers out there and I wish for them to have respectful and useful help when it’s needed.
peggy walsh, hotbed press
Support health first approaches to issues.
Katie Waugh
It is critical that people in crisis be seen by a non threatening team. Sending the police exacerbates the problem and too often threatens their life.
Sandra Hanis
House keys not handcuffs! Community, not cops. This approach allows experiencing houselessness and poverty to get help instead of facing interactions with law enforcement that increase their trauma, and ultimately cost more time and resources with no positive outcomes. We must dismantle systems of oppression now and replace them with just and compassionate community-led programs like this one.
Sachi Arakawa, Executive Director, Mapping Action Collective
We need this compassionate first-responder program.
Pamela Sery
At the absolute earliest, I believe we should fully fund this pilot program to reach the city in its entirety. Not every crisis is a crime. We need to match the right first responder to the crisis.
Keith Wilson, President, TITAN Freight Systems
This campaign to offer services and support to distressed individuals – from those in a mental health crisis, to folks with atypical responses to personal control measures, to people simply needing water and support to receive social services – is genius. This Cahoots style program has received with high praise in Eugene from the public, businesses and police, as it replaces police control interventions with problem-solving. We need it here!
Julie Chapman
I support Portland street response because it’s a much better option then having police involved with so much potential for violence. We need people that are better trained for crisis in our city!
Lauren Grissom, Business owner Lanyap vintage
Because, in my neighborhood, I often see people who need help, but help of a supportive type, not just the authorities telling them to move on or neighbors complaining of them to police as a nuisance.
Karen S Allen
Arresting people and putting them in the system has had no positive solution to the people of the City. People are in need of another solution, a humankind solution.
Ashley Pack
I am a SW Hills middle class white women who deeply cares about changing the systemic problems of our cities police department. No cop can be a good cop if the system is corrupt. I deeply believe in what Portland Street Response is trying to achieve, and I am interesting in supporting this in any way I can. I am a committed community volunteer, with deep connections to p;ear and other organizations in town. I am also deeply committed to anti-racist, social justice, and I would love to see our fair city finally realize its better self in equity and justice. Thank you for your work. And I look forward to finding other ways I can help ensure that this change happens to the police budget on Wednesday. I have written all the counselors, and plan on being sure that this money gets budgeted. to portland street response.
Jennifer Bruml
We fully endorse and support the smart and compassionate re-allocation of funding and resources that will make Portland streets safer for everyone. Thank you for spear-heading this critical work.
Marigold Coffee, Owner
Police should be reserved for dangerous emergencies. Other crises require skills like compassion, deescalation, and knowledge of resources.
Janette Girod, Small Business Owner
As a neighbor who has seen a lot of people in crisis — and seen the police show up instead of better options and helpful tools, I’m all for the Portland Street Response Campaign.
Kari Luna
This is a moment where things can get done. This is an excellent program and deserves financial support. For too long mental health services and services for individuals experiencing homelessness and addiction issues , have experienced shortages in funding for vital services. A community based program with on-going support, shelters and drop-in centers would be very helpful. As a long time mental health worker in the Portland area I have witnessed both beneficial and harmful interactions in crisis situations. Having trained professionals in de-escalation techniques is vital when dealing with a troubled person . Law enforcement officials, mental health crisis workers and the larger community would all benefit from a supportive and humane approach to behavioral disturbances in order to avoid the violent and tragic results that have become the norm in the U.S. Let’s truly become united in this great state to make a change.
Natalia K Burgess, Recovery Specialist/Telecare
It is better to support our community with compassion, empathy and love. Force and violence are not the answer.
Kimberly Pillon
Most mental health crises are made worse, not better, by police presence. This program is long overdue and so, so needed.
Jennifer Wimmer, Social Worker
Mental Health is a big issue for homeless and low-income individuals. A team that’s sole duty is for engaging for this purpose is sorely needed.
Rachael Austin
I support this campaign because our fellow human beings deserve compassion and support, and it is up to those of us who can, to give it to them.
Lizzy Pennock, Law Student
We need a different response for homeless community members or those experiencing a mental break than the police. We need experienced responders that can help the individual and start healing the root cause of their issues not criminalize their behavior.
Holly Levow, Co-Owner, Foundation PDX
I have known for years that police responding to people in need on the streets is counterproductive. Portland Police Response will provide the right kinds of services, to actually help people. Finally the right kind of response!
Sally Joughin
It makes so much sense!
Mary C. King, Professor of Economics Emerita, Portland State University
Business for a Better Portland (BBPDX) is committed to prioritizing the housing and homelessness crisis, not only because it is a humanitarian imperative but also because it is essential to the future success of our city and businesses. As business owners, we pay close attention to returns on the investments we make in our business. All of the available data shows the tremendous cost of relying on our law enforcement officers to perform these duties, both in terms of financial burden and resource drain. Investing in a Portland Street Response system will not only provide more effective results and free our existing first responders to perform their other critical functions in our city, it will be more fiscally effective as well.
Business For A Better Portland
This is a concrete and compassionate approach to support people experiencing homelessness.
ROSE Community Development, Nick Sauvie, Executive Director
Law Enforcement Officers need to focus on just that and be liberated from duties for which they are not reasonably dedicated to, namely social work and mental health responses. It is unfair to Police, District Attorneys, jailers, and to citizens to continue with our broken system of having people call 911 and police sent to handle what are fundamentally Health issues. We wouldnt send a plumber to fix our roof, why do we send an officer to address health, mental health, emotional and addiction challenges?
Home Forward, Michael Buonocore, Executive Director
I am a retired nurse educator. Approaching people without invoking fear is the best way to dialogue and achieve good outcomes.
Susan Schoenbeck, Retired
We support the Portland Street Response because we have seen our library patrons (who live outside & at the margins) face a disproportionate share of hardships on the streets. They deserve compassion and respectful service from a response team, and not punitive action against them by police.
Street Books, Laura Moulton, Executive Director
This is both humane and fiscally responsible.
Hyung Nam
We see the impact of trauma from living on the streets in many of the people we house, including the trauma of experiencing law enforcement intervention when behavioral health and medical attention is what was really needed.
Walk-the-Talk Council of Believers, Reverend Sage Justice
Homelessness and personal crisis is a social problem, not a crime. We should response appropriately.
Dave Peticolas
Because we need a way to respond humanely to our houseless crisis that doesn’t just shuffle people around or dump vulnerable people in need in to our criminal justice system.
Aaron Abrams
People on the streets need help, not arrest and punishment.
Karl Studnicka & Emi Oshima
This is a much needed, compassionate plan!
Kristi Hansen
I’ve been poor my whole life. More than that, I’ve been homeless on the streets of Portland four times. A police response to houseless citizens criminalizes poverty. I recently read somewhere the opposite of poverty is not wealth; the opposite of poverty is justice.
Dustin Dandliker
I have been at the table with folks with lived experience, social service providers, police, Clean & Safe and private security, residents, businesses and institutions for many years. This proposal is the most common sense, COST SAVING, EMPATHETIC proposal I’ve ever seen, based on very strong emperical evidence of a program that’s been live for 30 years. Concerns of scaling are never mentioned when the private sector wants to do so. Very encouraged that Mayor Wheeler has listened and responded with a good first step in his proposed budget. Let’s do even more by figuring out how to privately fund this even more – using an approach used elsewhere called Social Bond Funds.
Peter Englander
Houslessness is a public crisis and NOT a criminal issue.
Jess Noël Parker
Because human problems require human solutions, and criminal problems require a law enforcement solution.
Michela Bedard
First responders need to be available for true emergencies. Individuals experiencing homelessness and/or a behavioral health crisis need to be treated with respect and compassion.
Kristen Sagan
I have worked in housing and treatment services for people experiencing chronic mental/ physical health/addiction issues. I also have family members who have been homeless. I know the profound impact that legal barriers to housing, employment, etc can have on a person’s chances for improving their life. This plan is essential to reducing these barriers and not sentencing people to a lifetime of lost chances. Our houseless neighbors and those experiencing these related challenges deserve dignity, respect, and chances for a better life.
Lauren Stoner, Social Worker
As an individual and a business owner I see the homelessness crises as something that needs creative new solutions. I feel the plan offers that.
Erica Lurie, Owner, Garnish Apparel
I’d like to see more helpful, meaningful support for my unhoused neighbors
Eliza Hooshiar
At Human Solutions we work with people experiencing homelessness and mental health crises every day. We know that a new system of trained, knowledgeable, humane first responders that people experiencing mental health issues and/or homelessness will respond well to is needed in our community as soon as possible.
Human Solutions
I could not express the case for this campaign better than SR has done in its own opinion pieces.
Will Clark-Shim
What we’ve been doing isn’t working. This sounds like a well thought out plan I’d like to support. Frankly, I’d trust any recommendation by Street Roots regarding the issue of homelessness and services required.
Joan Hartzell
Mental illness, addiction, and homelessness are not crimes, and it’s wildly inhumane to treat them as such.
Hannah Penfield
What we are doing now is the definition of insanity. It is not working and it is very expensive. I support getting people the help they need and allowing police to do their job — fighting crime. This plan has worked in Eugene — let’s give it an opportunity in Portland.
Susan Ferguson
The police are not trained and do not do a good job managing these issues
Heather Feinberg
It’s an effective and economical idea – it works for Eugene, Oregon and we need it here in Portland, big time. Our police officers have demonstrated an INABILITY to de-escalate and assist those with metal health or addiction issues. Let’s treat folks like HUMANS and get this going.
Elizabeth Baumwirt, Metal Fabricator, Deform NW
Because I see our crisis everyday.
Sue Larson
Every Friday night for more than 15 years, Rahab’s Sisters has created community through radical hospitality on SE 82nd Ave. Many of the women and gender nonconforming folks who come to Rahab’s are experiencing homelessness and live in camps or cars where they frequently have the police called on them. We witness the ongoing stress and disruption this brings, as well as the impact of arrests for minor offenses like missing a court date. We also see the lack of support for folks struggling with mental health issues and the dehumanization of people dealing with substance use disorder. These are beloved members of the Rahab’s Sisters community, and they like all folks experiencing homelessness, mental health crises, and substance use disorder deserve to be treated with dignity and compassion by their city.
Rahab’s Sisters, Anneliese Davis, Executive Director
Mental health crisis calls need de-escalation and medical care, not gun slingers.
Erick Heroux
A key tenant in our building decided not to renew their lease due to the unsafe feel of the neighborhood. They cited the many people in crisis on our streets.
Tom Clark, Co-owner, Flanders Properties LLC
This campaign is a well organized effort to reduce police interaction in unnecessary situations, will undoubtedly increase safety and community engagement.
We need this type of team approach that treats the houseless as people in need rather than criminals.
Katharine Ballash , Teacher, Reynolds S.D
This approach wins across the board. Most of all, people in crisis will get help instead of interactions that increase their trauma. There are financial benefits, too: when we treat people with dignity, we avoid long-term costs of expensive trauma-related care, and our 911 system gets to work as intended. It’s the right thing, and it’s the smart thing.
Lara Bjork
I am trained as a (secondary) emergency responder in my Sunnyside neighborhood. I have looked over this plan and it is logical and sensible and needed.
Jan Molinaro, Sunnyside Neighborhood Emergency Team Assistant Team Leader
Let’s give everyone the support and care they need instead of treating everything like it’s a crime. We need caring first responders, not guns and handcuffs. Even law enforcement agrees that this is the right thing to do. And we can’t wait 3 years. We need this support now. Funding a Street Response would drastically cut down on the calls to the Portland Police. It’s a win-win for everyone.
Tiana K. Wilkinson
Portland Police are overwhelmed and understaffed. Let’s use the police for serious crime prevention.
We desperately need to build community-based programs to support the safety and health of our residents, including our unhoused residents. Police are inappropriate responders to houseless issues, as well as mental heath and addiction issues. Vulnerable people who need help should not be exposed to potential police violence or be funneled needlessly into our criminal legal system.
Madeline Carroll, SURJ PDX
Our clinic is home to many people who are houseless, as well as many people with moderate to severe mental health issues. It is not uncommon for our patients to have a history of negative interactions with police. Many of our patients fear the police, and would not seek out their services in emergencies. This often leaves them with little or no resources when they have an emergency. A street response campaign including non-police emergency crews and peer support would offer my patients as well as many others in the city a welcome source of support that feels safe and welcoming, significantly reduce health disparities, and catch many prople falling through the cracks in our health care system.
The Equi Institute , Angela Carter, ND Sacred vessel medicine and the Equi institute
As a mentally ill individual I do not feel police are competent to serve the needs of the community. I do not feel safe with police serving this role for myself, other people with mental illness and/or addiction issues and/or homelessness.
Nikkol Z. McMahon, Peer
Our unhoused people deserve compassion and our police deserve to do the job for which they have been hired. Criminalizing homelessness is what the police know how to do. We can do so much better. We must have this new system of first response, for the future of everyone in the city.
Dr. Karen LaBonte
I support informed, compassionate street outreach to complement and support stretched public services.
Michaela Ledesma, Director, Build Up
My wife and infant daughter were once threatened by a woman who clearly needed medical attention and oversight. We really didn’t want to contact police because we were concerned about the woman’s safety. Eventually we did because we didn’t see an alternative and she appeared to be a danger to others. The PPD stated that the threat wasn’t specific enough and that there was nothing they could do. I saw the woman on the street 4 hours later, still raving and despondent. There has to be a better way.
Eric Mullendore, Portland Resident
In my line of work I’ve often wanted crisis intervention support and the only option has been to call the police.
Kelsi Villarreal , Qualified Mental Health Associate with ColumbiaCare Services
We need real solutions that support all parties involved. Police are stretched too thin, homeless aren’t getting the compassionate care that they need and residents are suffering a burden of needles and human feces in their parks and streets. I love this plan as it’s a practical solution to a real problem.
Kelly Koltiska
Faith leaders united across the greater Portland area calling for police reform, and a practice of compassion and respect for all in our streets
Rabbi Ariel Stone, Convener, Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance
I want to advocate for compassionate response.
Shirley Reynolds
Times have changed and the police can’t be expected to address this endemic problem. They are too busy. Plus and more importantly, experiencing homelessness is not a crime. Better to treat the issue and the people experiencing homelessness with kindness and practical solutions rather than force.
Caroline Petrich
The campaign will provide urgently needed resources to address homelessness in a humane way.
Connie Kirk
Because the people living on my neighborhood’s streets are my neighbors, and they deserve trained, compassionate responders when they’re in crisis. The Street Response Plan would provide that for them without relying on the PPB, whose responses justifiably make houseless Portlanders think twice before calling for help.
Liss McCabe
Because it’s clearly the right thing to do.
Sybil Hebb
It can reduce fatalities that are sometimes caused by a police response. It is a more compassionate response that treats the issue as a health crisis, which most of the time it is, rather than a criminal one.
Regina Lehman
Because it makes sense.
Aaron Button
I would love a way to help folks in crisis without police intervention, which escalates situations and traumatizes the people it is supposed to help. I think it’s important to have people trained in deescalation who can respond to these calls.
Ashleigh Brantingham, Marketing Coordinator, Powell’s Books
It should not be the police’s job. They are bad at it because it was never what they were intended to do. The police are not here to help with trauma…
dwayne hedstrom, self employed
I have been a supporter of Street Roots and paper buyer at several different vendor locations for approximately 10 years. In that 10 years I have formed good friendships with with five or six vendors, unfortunately three of which have died. Currently our Social Action Team at Central Lutheran Church has officially invited C.W. Witt to be our “in house” Street Roots vendor on Sunday mornings. It is a joy to have C.W. with us every Sunday morning. Also as a member of the Interfaith Alliance on Poverty ( I strongly support the Portland Street Response campaign. I have contributed monetarily to Street Roots through the Annual Breakfast fundraiser, periodic personal contributions and buying multiple copies of the weekly paper to distribute elsewhere.
Fraser Rasmussen, Social Justice Coalition member Central Lutheran Church, Portland
It represents a commitment to change, a reasonable change to improve the lives of the most vulnerable.
Cara Rozell, DO, Physician
It is a better way to deal with issues for those on the street. Police are not able to provide what is needed and police involvement leads to criminalization of the homeless.
Sarah Carolus
The problems experienced by people living on the streets require a professional yet compassionate response from the City.
David Groff, Emeritus Administrator, Linfield College
It isn’t fair to those needing services or the Portland Police who are unable to do their job currently due to the homeless crisis, which is likely to only get worse in the next year or more.
Michele Alderson
Our neighbors fighting to survive on the streets deserve more compassion and a better shot at getting on their feet. Our current, costly, ineffective response only makes their situation worse, which is terrible for our entire city.
Rachel Langford, Assoc. Director, Education Systems Alignment; Home Forward
Because poverty & mental health issues are not crimes
Amy Iannone
As a mental health therapist and educator, my work includes building relationship and hearing the stories of people who are on the margins- houseless, in transition, or walking the fine line of poverty. I have heard too many stories of times when valuable police resources were employed, where the Portland Street Response could have been a more appropriate and helpful response.
Hannah Green, Mental Health Therapist, Adjunct Faculty
I see the overwhelming suffering and the need for new ways to care for those who are in need of assistance with compassion and skill.
Judith Mowry
It is a realistic, and optimal approach to low level issues that do not require tying up valuable police time and resources
Paul Hanrahan, Metrology Analyst Precision Castparts Corp
It makes sense.
Trish Claffey, Hospital Pharmacist, Providence Portland Medical Center
Better use of resources! Allows police to focus on protecting & solving crimes.
Fulford Family
Homelessness is not a crime, nor is mental illness. It is vital that the correct services are dispatched to respond. Our police must be freed from those calls that do not require an LEO response. Police presence, for many, is an unnecessary trigger. PSR would serve to provide an appropriate response, allowing police to do their jobs; both of these are vital to addressing two of Portland’s most critical problems.
Sheryl Sheffield Price
Our city’s homeless deserve compassionate interventions. Often times that requires more time and attention than our police can/should give.
LeeAnne Heuberger , Teacher Portland Public Schools
Mental health conditions run in my family and I know it can be disorienting and stressful for everyone in the situation. If responders are well trained and empathetic, actions like a welfare check or situation monitoring can be supportive and not threatening. When faced with a challenging situation, I want to be able to ask for help in a way that equally prioritizes the wellbeing of the person experiencing the crisis and the people around them. Community responses like this plan are about equity and access, regardless of a person’s health or housing situation.
Melinda S.
I believe that the “how can we help you” approach is far more humane and sensible than the “we’re going to arrest you/have you arrested” approach.
Elizabeth Cooksey
I lived in Eugene and thought CAHOOTS was awesome. We need to do better in Portland and this campaign is a great idea for making that happen
Maddie Norman
Homeless residents and residents with behavioral health issues need the support of the community. This is best done by responders who have the specialty training to handle their unique needs. This will also free up the Portland Police for the kind of public safety issues they are trained to handle. The evidence seems to indicate that this would be both a more humane approach as well as a cost savings one.
Jeffrey Mills
People with mental issues need help not jail. Simple as that!
Stephanie Wade
We need responders with a variety of resources and deescalation tactics that can address and adopt to different situations. Cops usually increase conflict and bring violence into situations.
Tara Hershberger, Theatre teacher
I want to live in a more humane world. This seems like a more wise, compassionate and realistic way to approach a constellation of problems that are ever more evident in Portland.
Janet G
It makes sense.
Sean & Heather Talbot
I’ve worked with homeless folks up in Calgary, AB and have an appreciation for the benefits of a non-police response to many incidents involving the homeless population.
Chris Weingarth
It is a logical, compassionate, and cost-effective solution to Portland’s growing homelessness problem.
I support the Portland Street Response campaign because I recognize that mental health and human need are not a crime. People who suffer from mental health issues or need a place to go should not be treated like criminals, but instead should be offered compassion and support. I want Portland to be a place of care and respect for the dignity of all human beings.
Juliette L. Dunn
I have read the very well written Street Roots articles and I believe the proposal will be a major improvement over the current situation.
Topaz Faulkner
Because we are Smarter than using force as a response to real needs that can be addressed with expertise and compassion.
Shannon Cogan
People on the streets need help they don’t need to be arrested. This plan worked in Eugene. We should try it here. It could save live, will save money, and could strengthen our neighborhoods.
Camille Clement
I frequently see people in need of mental health support on the street and don’t have anyone to call
Allison Brinkhorst
As things stand now, in my opinion, police and policing-based ‘solutions’ to the crisis of houselessness are only exacerbating things. Aside from the financial costs that are mentioned in the Portland Street Response plan, the way things are currently set up only makes life even more difficult for those experiencing houselessness who, in addition to their daily struggles, have to also deal with people’s unbelievable hatred of them and constant harassment from police and even their fellow citizens. This is the right thing to do and a fantastic leap towards a more just Portland.
Henry Brannan
James Chasse for one.
Cass Martinez
It’s unconscionable that anyone in our city should be reduced to living on the streets with no support from those of us who can help. This is a responsible, doable project.
Sidney Gold
I don’t feel confident that the police are equipped to deal with and deescalate some situations. I don’t want to think I am putting a person’s life in danger if I want to call about someone sleeping on my porch or behaving erratically.
Belinda Miller
I see more homeless people and camps around every day. I believe everyone deserves to be treated humanely and with dignity. We need solutions to homelessness but while we’re working on that we need to treat the symptoms of homelessness in a way that is compassionate and practical both.
Angie Aldrich , Retired
Police arrive and escalate sensitive situations. The Portland Street Response team is the type of response we need to help, not hurt! #carenotcops
Ruth Hale, Student at Reed College
In the last few years, we’ve seen the number of houseless people climb substantially and it’s not slowing down. While some houseless people do not cause problems, those with drug addiction and mental health issues do. A police response is not working to solve the problems, it just shuffles them around and sometimes creates new problems. We must address the root issues and this plan can begin to do that.
Cindy Abernethy, Owner, Pearl Fiber Arts
Hope this is a more humane response
KaRin Johnson
When I see someone in distress, I am unlikely to call the police because I don’t want the person to be harmed. I want an alternative resource that I can trust will interact with people in crisis in a respectful, de-escalatory way. I’ve had family and loved ones experience homelessness and mental health crisis, but I think what is happening in Portland should be personal to all of us, regardless.
Anna Withington
We need a better response! Not every crisis is a crime
Kaia Sand, Executive Director, Street Roots
I support PSR because people experiencing homelessness deserve to be treated with compassion and dignity when experiencing moments of crisis. They also don’t deserve to be entangled in the criminal justice system when it’s our country’s very systems that have contributed to their hardships. This can only happen when individuals intervening are specially trained in trauma-informed interventions, which is what PSR aims to do.
Eliana Ramirez
Because it is Long Overdue & I think would work better with Peer Support than just cops/other ‘official’ types, people are more likely to respond, to open up & even to Listen to someone they can relate to.
Ms. Lindsey Wilson
More efficient and reasonable use of valuable PPD reaources.
Blake Beanblossom
I believe it’s important to have the resources to heal our city. I believe the Police alone are unable to combat the problem of homelessness and that we should try new solutions
Matt Loera
I support this proposal because its humane, because being homeless or having a crisis isn’t a crime and shouldn’t be treated as one
Samantha Lehman
All people deserve dignity, compassion and respect. What the city is doing now does not improve the situation, it worsens it. People need services, not a criminal record.
annie capestany
Police should be freed up to respond to crimes. People experiencing homelessness or mental crises need support and services.
Anastasia Zurcher
It gets people closer to the resources they need (often not jail), and frees police up to address more serious crime.
Jami Dwyer
Through my volunteer work in the community I’ve seen the power of non-law enforcing individuals helping people off the street. It takes a compassionate response and often does not fit well within the boundaries of police work. Police are compassionate but the system they work within is not.
Kevin Kaufman
We need better options and support systems for our houseless population!
Hannah Newman
Many reasons – one being because it meets needs where/how they exist & doesn’t pass the buck waiting for the perfect solution. It’s a compassionate approach & can make a difference…..
M. Monaghan-Milstein
Our current approach is failing and inhumane.
Jesse Lopez
I heard first hand from an officer about the program. It sounds reasonable, and gives a solid option for addressing an ongoing homeless crisis.
Sean Watkins, former Chair, Sunnyside Neighborhood Association
We work with unhoused Portlanders every day and see the many ways in which the current system is failing our neighbors. We believe an efficient, appropriate, and compassionate response will improve not only the lives of unhoused people, but also the lives of Portlanders in general.
Tivnu: Building Justice
Because even [one] police shooting of a person who could have been served by a trained mental health professional is too many.
Ben Chatterton
I interact with vulnerable people at my job all the time, and would love to have a better way to respond to their needs than simply calling the police.
Thomas Palmer, Light Rail Operator, TriMet
I was able to rely on CAHOOTS when I lived in Eugene, and am frankly shocked a similar service doesn’t exist here. All our neighbors need compassionate, safe care.
Kelley Gardiner, Self-employed
It just makes sense! It’s compassionate, thoughtful and a more community driven response.
Lisa Hawash, Associate Professor of Practice PSU School of Social Work
Responding to mental health or addiction crisis requires a specific skill set that law enforcement should not need to be trained to do. Social workers spend years learning these skills and are better suited to respond than law enforcement.
Haven Wheelock
Because it’s sane, based on facts and budgetary realism, as well as being compassionate and non-dependent on police action.
Kaye Exo
Human beings shouldn’t be endangered further because they don’t have access to the basic necessities that we all deserve. It’s an absolute travesty to aggressively harass folks who are already in a far more vulnerable state. Shameful! These are our neighbors, members of our community, human beings!
Isaac King
It’s time to stop criminalizing houselessness.
Richard Harding McNeill
Living in NW Portland for several years, we’ve seen a rise in the number of houseless neighbors and it’s heartbreaking to see people in distress and need, knowing that more than likely they’ll have the police called on them. Being on the street, needing mental health services, needing shelter and sustenance, is not criminal. Being treated as such does nothing to help the person in crisis and wastes resources. Street Roots has a proven track record of creating and managing programs with lasting positive results for the community, so when I first read about the Portland Street Response campaign I was happy to know that we may have a real solution on the horizon.
Jenny Mosbacher
Believe sweeps and arrests of homeless are human rights crimes. Believe criminalization of extreme poverty is a sadistic waste of public resources.
MK Bretsch, Retired
I’ve worked in the Chinatown district for the last year, where I was constantly surrounded by people in states of crisis. I’ve been hesitant to call the police for fear of them harming the people involved. I’d have loved to have someone else to call.
Pete Soloway
It’s clear there can be a better way to respond to certain low level incidents, especially ones that require additional training and are completely focused on de-escalation.
Jey Biddulph
As someone who worked in homeless services for several years and an attorney, I recognize that the Portland Street Response campaign would shift our response system to match appropriate services to people in crisis.
Jay Parasco
Cops are ill equipped to handle people in crisis. We need more care less cops
David Henry
We need a nuanced approach to addressing homelessness and behavioral health crises that are compassionate and supportive. Emergency calls in these situations often don’t offer the kind of support people in these situations truest need, and can often be dangerous for these vulnerable members of our communities.
Jeffrey Anderson
Members of our household, and members of our broader community struggle with mental illness. We absolutely need a resource to call in mental health emergencies, we don’t have that right now. We strongly support an effort to create the cost effective solution proposed here.
Robyn Klopp
It’s so desperately needed
Hanna Neuschwander
HOMEpdx works to love people face to face focusing mostly with marginally/unhoused people in the S downtown and inner Eastside areas. We have seen the ways that violence is regularly done towards our friends outside and how they have no one to turn to because the police do harms as well. Furthermore I have neighbors who are unsure who to call for someone to come check on the health and well-being of an unhoused neighbors without calling services that will ultimately sweep them. We need alternatives.
Because we need an actual social response, not a militarized one.
Mary Renfrow
On the job training has diminishing returns. No matter how much training cops get to react differently depending on the situation they are still cops and their go-to response is a police response. Many crises are not resolvable by police response.
Owen Rudloff
As a former EMT, I witnessed countless times where police responded to medical calls and harassed the patient or unnecessarily [created] tensions, especially with people of color and people who are homeless.
Doug Edwards, Medical Assistant at OHSU
My partner has stories as an EMT showing that involving the police only escalated a situation. Having more medically prepared first responders would make an impact to all in our community.
Becca Edwards
I have seen too many situations unnecessarily escalated or ending in death.
Saul Jones
Houseless folks are fully human & our system is dehumanizing them. They deserve better.
Jude Thaddaeus, Accountant
I’m alarmed by the unnecessary use of force by police and the disproportionate violence faced by house less and black members of the community. I see the Street Response campaign as a de-escalating and root problem solving alternative to police intervention for mental health crises.
Alison Dennis
We need first responders whose primary role and training is one of care. Police being given the budget to be our first responders results in too many vulnerable people in our community being unnecessarily arrested, hurt or even killed.
Ariana Jacob
We are in urgent need of a caring response team to support Portlanders in need.
East Portland resident
I volunteer in prison and too many of the residents there don’t belong. They simply fell through the cracks of the system and got caught by the last net society has.
Carla Grant
Because there are far too many of our neighbors who do not have a clean, safe place to sleep and who are houseless because of mental health and addiction issues. We need to divert monies from the police budget to an unarmed, trauma and safety response system so that police can do the work they are meant to do.
Dana Buhl
I work with low-income and houseless folks on a weekly basis. This sounds like one important step in assisting many in particular need, and in freeing other resources not equipped to so do.
Rev. Dr. James Moiso
I would probably not call on police for help for fear that instead of receiving assistance, I would be putting my life or problematic person’s life at risk. From what I’ve read, it would be risky to involve police even in case of a suicidal person. I know that chances are I could do a much better job of de-escalating a crisis situation than many local police, just by asking the right questions & doing active listening.
We need to cut the armed and hostile police out of community engagement with mental health and non-violent emergencies.
Luke Wheeler, Research analyst- self employed
Houselessness is out of control in this city, but it is not solved through criminalization. Let’s make housing affordable and ubiquitous!
Peter Banka, Software Engineer, Fastly Inc.
I believe our houseless neighbors need any support. But the key is to make sure they are treat as human being with respect and understanding.
Justin Fox
I live and work in Portland, specifically inner NE Portland and Old Town; I regularly see and are apart of the symptoms of homelessness. The idea of Portland Street Response is as viable a method of supporting the community as it navigates through the daily issue of homelessness as I’m aware of. I hope the city of Portland takes bold action and embraces this idea as we, as a community, work towards a longer-term solution that solves the root issues.
Paul Bock, Program Manager, Mercy Corps
I see the harm police do to my community and and change is good
Courtney Sound
I feel extremely unsafe in my neighborhood when the police respond to simple mental health issues by escalating everything to an arrest. There was a man running in the street at 7am and the police immediately engaged by screaming at him to get down on the ground. They didn’t even ask him to step onto the sidewalk or to simply stop running in the street! It’s ridiculous and I would love a trained response team that could deescalate situations instead of making them worse.
Darius Kazemi
The Street Response is a sensible approach to save money, help our vunerable populations and assist the businesses and individuals of our community by connecting them to the appropriate teams to respond to any crisis for which they need assistance.
Denise Lyon
I believe a response team that is connecting with people who are in crisis, with a solid understanding of what it is like to be in crisis and also homeless, would be the most effective way to help people in the moment and also long-term. Hearing directly from people on the streets and using their words gives us the best chance at understanding what’s needed and how to go about it.
Dawn McLaughlin
We need a humane, compassionate response to people experiencing behavioral health issues and houselessness, not incarceration.
Matt McNally, Community Outreach Coordinator for Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty
Street response will restore community values and improve safety in Portland.
Babak Zolfaghari-Azar, Family Care Manager
I feel upset when I see houseless individuals in a tough situation, especially if they are being harassed by police. Our police should have a mundane job where they truly help all individuals be safe, not just the wealthy.
Tyler Cohen
Last year we started the Compassionate Change Coalition to ask our city and business leaders to direct resources towards organization’s and institutions dedicated to strategies of trauma informed de-escalation, conflict resolution, and problem-solving and away from traditional policing and security approaches. We believe our neighbors of color who are disproportionately targeted by 9-1-1 callers and our houseless neighbors who also targeted will be far safer when first responders are primarily concerned with educating callers and constructively problem-solving disagreements and issues among fellow community members. We are incredibly pleased that Commissioner Hardesty and her staff have championed this cause – fulfilling her campaign promise to address issues of over-policing. We applaud this remarkable effort to begin to fix our broken system which too often leads to criminalizing many of our most vulnerable residents for merely existing in public space.
Sandra Comstock, Executive Director, Hygiene4All
I have lived in Portland since 1971. Wow, what changes. I remember the heartbreak of seeing the first people living on the streets. It happened as governmental policy favored the wealthy more and more post-Reagan. Now the imbalance is extreme. We need living wage, meaningful jobs, and care for those who cannot work. Give us Bread, and give us Roses. peace to all.
Kathleen Zopa Herron
This such a necessary change to the way the City approaches houselessness.
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods, Adam Lyons, E.D.
As the parent of an adult child who has been razor-close to homelessness and hopelessness, I know first-hand that people in psychiatric distress need competent, compassionate, knowledgeable individuals who can help them access services, safety, support, and community connections to help them find their balance. Arrest and medical confinement can worsen their condition. Teams that can assess needs and respond skillfully and thoughtfully are vitally needed in Portland, where far too many people are slipping through the cracks of distress, despair, and hopelessness. I strongly recommend Council’s support for this program!
Living Earth Gatherings, Betsy Toll, Executive Director
Compassion should always come first. We have a very big issue with homeless in our city. This is a very progressive way to help be a first response before things escalate.
Justice Coalition, Collin Justice Jones
Our collective prosperity depends on ending the criminalization of the most vulnerable members of our society.
Innovation Law Lab, Ramon Valdez, Director of Strategic Initiatives
We support PSR because the houseless need supportive services, not more criminalization and intimidation by policing in times of trauma.
Right 2 Survive
Sunrise Movement PDX is building a movement of young people to fight for climate justice in our communities. We believe that folx who are experiencing houselessness are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and we support innovative solutions to support those folx in our community!
Sunrise Movement PDX
We believe our houseless neighbors should be treated with compassion and respect, while law enforcement officers should be focused on criminal activity.
Phil Richman, Associate Partner, TenBridge Partners
The Portland police have a history of violence against people of color and have not been accountable for their responses to situations that do not require the actions they have taken. This is a brilliant solution to many problems that exist within the department and hopefully can lead to more educated and transparency. I would be even more enthusiastic in my endorsement if the structure of the Portland Street Response included a team dedicated to rapid response for panic interactions with ICE/ERO. (such as home or workplace raids and courthouse violations)
Aimee Sitarz, Artist and advocate for immigrant rights
Because the worst treatment received by PPD mishaps in this city come out to people with mental health issues especially those who are unhoused. I work in eviction prevention and homelessness services, and have worked with runaway and homeless youth in the past many living with severe mental health issues, so I definitely would like to see a more humanistic approach to these situations.
Alan Smith
Police brutality out of control.
Angela Taylor
Community safety means loving and protecting the most vulnerable in our community, including the houseless and those suffering from mental illness. A compassionate alternative to criminalization is long overdue.
Angelita Morillo
I hesitate to call the police when people need help, after witnessing several instances of police brutality when the person they were attacking was clearly in crisis and showed no understanding the situation. I don’t want to cause that pain to someone already suffering. I’d love someone else to call.
Anne Horner
We need to be smart and compassionate in how we use the city’s precious resources. Not only will Portland Street Response ease some pressure on PPB so they can spend their energy where we need them more, we would be sending trauma informed advocates with more options for long term support to help our neediest neighbors.
Candace Avalos, Student Government and Greek Life Advisor at Portland State University; Candidate for Portland City Council position 1
PSP is so important to people who, for lots of reasons, wouldn’t go to a hospital otherwise. They help people where they are at. I have called on them to help people numerous times with good response.
Christopher Carter
People need housing and critical services. We should be funding those immediate needs instead of the police who too frequently respond with brutality and without the understanding, empathy, or experience necessary to properly engage with vulnerable populations
Christopher Kuttruff
Humane and dignified solutions to a growing crisis
Clara Gillet
Having experience the difference that CAHOOTS is making in Eugene, we know that this is desperately need in Portland too. (Along with social housing!)
Claud & Emily Gilbert
Meeting our community members in crisis with dignity and compassion is essential to remaining on the leading edge of first response and patient care. It’s time we craft a new way forward that increases the health and resilience of everyone in our community.
Dacia Grayber, Firefighter / Paramedic
I have Volunteered with a number of different groups that serve the houseless population and have found that there is a degree of mistrust of emergency medical and police forces. I think that implementing something like the CAHOOTS program in Eugene would go a long ways towards building trust and capacity with this population.
Dana Button, Medical student at OHSU
I support Portland Street Response because you believe that a crises is not always a crime.
Donna Lewis
No good comes from bringing the police into situations that can be handled by a compassionate community
Emilie Junge, Pro bono Attorney
Police don’t know how to help people in distress. They haven’t been trained. We owe everyone something better than death and incarceration.
Gabriele Hayden
I believe in basic human decency and strive to achieve it, myself.
Gin Enguehard
R2S worked on parts of development of PSR, to make this a program to benefit oue unhoused community. We don’t need criminalization,policing while dealing with traumatic situations.
Ibrahim Mubarak, Ex. Director, Right 2 Survive
We need better and more trauma-informed responses to people in crisis. This model works, and it’s time for Portland to put it in place.
Justine Pope
I have been going out usually on Sunday with a retired social worker with clothing donations and around 80 sandwiches we’ve made, and we find individuals and small groups who are trying to exist on our streets and visit with them and try to supply what we can to them. We also give out Street Root booklets. Every person I’ve met deserves respect and dignity. It is a crime that there is not a very huge group other than police that can reach each person and keep track of them, not sweep them to another temporary place. Of course, this implies that there are the resources to help these folks find some more permanent living situation and guidance to find their way forward in life. All we’ve been able to do is to just be a friendly contact and give what we can.
Karen Deora, 81 year old semi retired piano teacher
I believe PSR will be here to protect the rights of folks experiencing houselessness when dealing with crisis intervention.
Lisa Fay, Chairperson, Right 2 Survive
I support this campaign because criminalizing homelessness, is inhuman and fails to actually improving the situation for anyone involved.
Mandy Allen
Anything we can do to remind each other of our humanity is critical. It has become too easy to forget that each of us is a person with heart, soul, needs and struggles at one time of another. A more humane first-responder system means a more humane world.
Maran Sheils
A safer community is possible
Mark Woodlief
I work for a criminal justice reform foundation dedicated to ending mass incarceration and reforming the criminal justice system. We support all harm reduction approaches that provide support and compassion rather than criminalization and further stigmatization of already vulnerable populations. I think something like Portland Street Response is absolutely necessary.
Marlena Williams, Vital Projects Fund
We need to respond to people in crisis with compassion and not criminalization. Portland needs to humanize its response to houselessness!
Matt Chorpenning, MSW, Portland State University School of Social Work
It’s painful to see human beings treated like animals.
Michelle deParrie, Human services specialist Department of Human Services
I know someone helped by Cahoots in Eugene and am impressed by the level and type of service they were able to provide.
Naomi Bishop
I support the help to get off the street and not continue to feel abandoned.
Nate Hergert, Financial Analyst
I strongly believe this is the best approach as I have supported this plan way before JoAnn was elected. I also fully support Street Roots and their work in solutions to houselessness crisis. Lately with city’s leadership has proven ineffective because they treat crisis as a crime. This must change.
Philip J. Wolfe, Portland City Council Candidate 2020
I want compassion and care on our streets and in our city, not violence, criminalization, and punishment. Police are not welcome or helpful as far as I’m concerned, and I applaud proactive alternatives.
Quinn Diane Thereaux
Human beings should be treat with compassion and respect period.
Rachel Hanes, Portland Public School Teacher
Police involvement can do harm to those in vulnerable states of mind, sometimes even resulting in the death of the person in crisis.
Rebecca Scheer
I’ve seen CAHOOTS success in Eugene; we need a system that can respond to individuals in crisis without putting them in danger of criminalization
Sara Dinneen, ECSE Teacher, NWRESD
Portland Street Response is so important to individuals who would not choose to go to a hospital otherwise, which there are many. I believe this is a model of preventative care which saves the commonwealth thousands of dollars.
Sarah Vaudrin
I’ve watched the Portland Police for over a decade.
They don’t live here.
They don’t care about our community.
Their allegiance is to their Union.
They recruited their friends, got bonuses, militarized.
Pretty soon it’ll be like living in Nazi Germany, citizens cowering in fear of their alleged protectors.
Our children fear them.
They prey on the weak.
Never call them on a houseless person unless you want bad things to happen to that person.
Police criminalize poverty, ensuring those caught in their net sink further.
To those of us with more, they are so polite and helpful.
They fooled us for a long time.
And then our kids lost their community centers and pools.
But cops kept all 3 firing ranges they can’t even fully employ.
And of course we kept our golf courses. #MakeAmericaGolfAgain
While our water makes us sick.
Good job City Council.
Teresa Roberts, Artist
The time to focus on rehabilitation instead of incarceration is long overdue. I stand in solidarity with Portland Street Response and all those who wish to transform our system to be more compassionate.
Trevor Carlson
Compassionate care in traumatic moments would be wonderful in our community
Adam Porterfield
We believe in and value of the work that Street Roots does and appreciate this specific project very much
Betsy & George Wright
When Portlanders see someone struggling with mental health issues or houselessness, we want to help. We call first responders because that’s where we expect to get help in urgent situations. But for years, we’ve seen that when police respond to these situations, they react as they’ve been trained to for dangerous situations. Far too often, the person in need of help ends up worse off, even dead.
Blaine Palmer
Folks call 911 when in a moment of crisis. Our current system doesn’t always provide the right resources for those moments of need and sometimes can be detrimental to supporting these members of our community in these pivotal moments.
Brett Zimmerman, Firefighter, City Of Portland
People need help, and they need to feel safe in asking for it.
Celeste Searles Mazzacano
Dustin Dandliker, Contributing Columnist at Street Roots
I support Street Roots, dignity for all people and have great respect for Commissioner Hardesty. This program seems overdue but am glad it’s being created now.
Emily Polanshek
I am a long time supporter of Street Roots, never an miss issue of the Paper. I have developed close relationships with many vendors over the years and sadly seen several of them die. Mortality on the street is a much more evident than for those of us who have the luxury on being housed.
Fraser Rasmussen
Police need a better presence in our neighborhood…we need their engagement. We need constructive engagement. Currently they are not part of the neighborhood…we have no station, patrol cars sneak about the back roads and criminals seem to have no fear of the law in this part of town..we need a better relationship and more support..a partnership to help those who struggle on these streets
Heather Cook
I’ve been involved with organizations supporting people who are houseless and people with mental illness for decades. We clearly need to provide alternatives to police response for situations where people need assistance when they are having difficulties that is compassionate and treats the situation as a health care issue, not a criminal infraction.
Judith Mowry
Portland will be a more sophisticated and prosperous city when law enforcement are deployed only in response to violations of the law, while other members of our community respond to all other urgent needs.
Justin Holmes, Cryptographic Engineer, NuCypher
I support the campaign because the solution is comprehensive with multiple agencies involved and I believe it will produce positive results similar to Cahoots.
Kandis Jordan
It’s important to take care of our community and our neighbors. We need to have resources that will provide care and meaningful assistance.
Kelley Gardiner
I’ve worked in mental health for 30 years and of course, interacting with the homeless population is inevitable.
Lisa Wilson, Licensed professional counselor
We need to treat homeless individuals fairly.
Patricia Rimmer, Substitute Teacher. Portland Public schools
I am a retired mental health professional and am appalled at the facts that we do not have a mental health response team and that the police training in recognizing and appropriately responding to potentially dangerous mental health emergencies which began in the 1970’s is not being implemented in our current department.
Peggy Hackenbruck, self-employed
The Portland Street Response approach is a step in the right direction. Portland prides itself as a welcoming city with progressive ideals. The sad reality is that this welcome is reserved for people with financial means who live in “inner” Portland. Those without means find their lives criminalized simply because they are poor. Compound this lack of housing with a mental health crisis and many live in fear of incarceration or death at the hands of law enforcement. Conversations about those without houses are filled with dehumanizing language. Creating a humane, empathic, appropriate response agency for issues involving houselessness and mental health crisis shows that Portland views all peoples are worthy of being treated as human beings, regardless of their financial means.
Roberta Munger
Young adults on the street are often perceived as criminal when in fact they are victims that need emotional, mental and physical support. I would love to see us revisit how we approach them and ways to help them.
Susan Elliott, English Teacher Potland OIC
I see the effects on the streets of rising homelessness in Portland and also as I travel around this country. It is a shame in a country with such great wealth which is appropriated by so few. I am very relieved to know about this effort in Portland by Street Roots. Perhaps it can serve as a national model.
Teri Ludvigson, Retired
It’s the right thing to do.
William Cunninghame
Law enforcement should not be called to respond to problems that people experience in meeting their basic healthcare and shelter needs. Relying on law enforcement in these instances inevitably contributes to criminalization of mental illness, addiction, and homelessness. Many people have a trauma history involving police, arrest, and jail. The presence of law enforcement can escalate these situations, despite officers’ training and good intentions.
Disability Rights Oregon
I would like our response to be us coming as a community to support each other, not armed people coming to impose domination and kill those of us who fit a profile that calls for being killed. “We just followed procedures.” Yes, murderous procedures. No, we want those of us dedicated to empathetic community to come for all of us, not for their power over trip.
Jack Herbert
Because it works!
Debra Porta
It’s the only human thing to do.
Sue Gemmell
50% of arrests by Portland police are of houseless people. This is not a good use of resources and it doesn’t meet anyone’s needs. Let’s have a better response that is more appropriate and cost-effective.
Pailyn Brown
I am one who is on both sides of this coin going in and out of homelessness and everyone deserves respect and civil liberties as well as compassion
Cassandra Barnes, self employed driver
Sounds better than sending Law Enforcement personnel.
Dave Stevens, Individual
I have worked alongside women, men, teens and children dealing with houselessness since 1972. It is still a crime to be poor in the City of Roses. Supporting the Portland Street Response campaign is the right thing to do!
Genny Nelson, cofounder: Sisters of the Road
Because people struggling to live on the street deserve understanding, compassion and a humane response to their situation.
Stephen Gomez
Police are paramilitary primarily trained to kill. We need to keep them away from the general public whenever possible. Specialized groups with the proper training should respond to different problems. This is an important first step. Thank you.
Jean Mullen
It is too much to ask of police officers. It is unfair to expect them to be counselors. This is a great idea.
Trebbie Thomas
My wife and infant child were threatened by a woman obviously experiencing a mental health issue in front of a daycare in downtown. For lack of an alternative, my wife reached out to some police officers who were patrolling nearby. They laughed and said there was nothing they could do since the woman appeared to be homeless. Both my family and the woman experiencing the mental health issue deserve better. They deserve a community where people and facilities specifically designed to assist those experiencing mental health issues are able to offer the help that is needed.
Eric Mullendore
Sensible response to homeless folks, many of whom have mental illness, that will free up police to do police work.
Ann Onimous
Living in a home and off the streets is a human right. Getting health services is a human right.
Jessie Ghiglieri, Student Engagement admistrator
I’m hosting a houseless guy for 2 weeks now until whenever in my temporary tiny house plot. I could use assistance and also have years of research on housing solutions and have crafted ideas on how to house everyone from scrap supplies. I’m passionate and keep to myself too much and am trying to find a small group (major introvert INFJ) to talk housing for all. I’m a fan of natural psych solutions and have been thinking to call Sarah A. The social worker about help supporting this guy. We both need help. He needs his ID and an EBT card. I
Kristin Johnson
It’s a smart and humane response. A big step in the right direction.
Tom Mattox
I support Portland Street Response because homelessness is not a crime. Experiencing homelessness is a health and wellness issue. When the community comes together to support our marginalized community members we are that much stronger for it.
Carly Laney, Community Health Worker
I am the parent of a 23yo who has dual diagnoses and is experiencing homelessness while cycling in and out of jail at least once a month and I cannot get him the help he needs because… it doesn’t appear to exist. Or it exists but only if HE engages it which he cannot do as a result of his mental illness. My family is devastated and I would support ANY option that put MH supports in his path instead of jail.
Angie Hurley
We need new productive ways to be with friends on the streets.
Jim Moiso, Rev
It’s neither humane nor a good use of resources to rely on police to respond to people experiencing acute psychiatric or drug crises on the streets.
Daniel Friedman, former board member, Downtown Neighborhood Association
I see a fair amount of homeless people and mentally ill people on the streets. Homelessness can cause a certain amount of mental illness and I think we need a special “task force” such as the Portland Street Response to assist in helping the very vulnerable people in our society. I’m glad they are facilitating this. Because the rest of us feel helpless when confronted with it. And the police are not really trained nor have the resources to handle this growing and frightening problem.
Judy Cook
I have seen what our houseless patients go through to try to access care and what they lose if they leave their belongings to do so. I see the health impacts of having no or insufficient housing. We must do better and what PSR is doing is organized, compassionate and desperately needed.
Maxine Dexter, Physician
I support the Portland Street Response because it is needed for community and individual wellness.
Ezekiel Martin, News Writer
Too often I see people who are in need of compassionate assistance who are either ignored or brushed out of the way. We, as a society, need to do more. The Portland Street Response Plan is a wonderful step in the right direction. This is exactly the sort of program I want my tax dollars to support. Fixing roads would be nice also.
Dorothea Van Duyn, Sales
It’s the most humane, compassionate way to solve these problems
Layla Assem, Muslim Chaplain
It is an ethical and humane approach to say the least.
Nathan Starr, Disabled Iron Worker
It’s an important service for those in need, at a time of crisis. As a parent of a child, with mental health issues, it gives me comfort that I could call this organization for help, when needed, at a time of crisis. Compassionate support is so helpful for families who struggle with mental illness.
Ana Magana, Parent
As a human rights activist, advocate, and professional, as well as personally knowing the struggle and how we all are one bad experience away from being homeless, it’s a no-brainer to support an issue such as this.
Cortina Robinson
Portland Street Response would be a much more effective and more humaine way to deal with issues affecting the houseless members of our community.
David Groff
My experience of living in NW Portland, seeing the houseless numbers grow led me to employment/volunteering at SistersoftheRoad. I have learned many things by my experience here one being the police and 911 are not the best first responders to call. I recently became aware of Cahoots in Eugene and now I’m happy to here Portland is preparing a program on this model. I endorse as well as hold interest to become a part of. Thank you!
Annette Gerlecki, Hairstylist and SOTR volunteer
We need less cops and more compassion.
Elliott Young, Professor of History
Police can tend to concerns where they are needed. they do not have the training to deal with mental health issues, or homelessness. We do need a response team that is compassionate and knowledgable and will direct people to the help they can get.
Vanessa Renwick, Artist
We Need to End Police Brutality and have an Emphatic, Humane Response to Human Crisises – “Protect and Serve” has Become “Obey, or be Shot, Arrested, Manhandled” – Violence should Not be a Job
Rebecca Smith-White
So often I want to give assistance to people on the street. When they need more assistance than I can give I do not want to call the police for fear of negative outcomes, and lack of trauma informed care from the Portland police force.
Megan Pickerel-Winer
It’s unfathomable that in a progressive city like Portland, that we choose to spend our vital resources on criminalizing this issue, instead of viewing it as a humanitarian crisis. Dignity and assistance should be the beginning assumptions, rather than penalizing those unfortunate individuals that SR helps every day.
Toby Martin, CEO, Extensis
As a Social Worker and long-time Portland resident, I advocate for a non-police response to mental health and social service crises.
Kate McNulty, LCSW
This is a critical measure to get the needed resources to a vulnerable population while at the same time saving the city money by reducing the workload on an already overburdened Police Department.
Craig Gerard, Executive Director, Stone Soup PDX
First responders are overworked. They need a team of support specialists so that they can extend the scope and efficient management of public safety. “Public” includes houseless people.
David Robinson, Attorney
We are a benefit company law firm that provides pay as you go community business law for everyone the community. We care about issues like this. Thank you for the opportunity to express support for such an important issue.
Michael Jonas, Rational Unicorn Legal Services
Please list Bridgeport United Church of Christ as an endorser
Rev. Tara Wilkins, Bridgeport United Church of Christ
It is long time that the City of Portland and other assorted agencies walk the walk and not just talk the shallow talk of what it is that we envision to be different with our communities struggling with housing and mental health crisis.
T. Oliver, Independent Green Party of Portland
As a grassroots activist group founded to work to decouple Portland Fire’s EMS response from PPB at protests, and then to spread awareness about the deadly effects of PPB’s chemical and projectile weapons used at protests, we enthusiastically support any effort that keeps PDX cops away from the most vulnerable among us and instead offers the services they need. One of our founding members recently also won the first-ever sustained ruling of an allegation against a PPB officer through the IPR process in front of City Council.
Empower Portland
It just makes sense!
William Henderson, CEO, Ride Report
Portland Street Response has the potential to offer appropriate, multi-faceted, humane, supportive approaches to address the various needs of folks who live without homes, as well as folks who may be negatively effected by their presence and actions.
John R. Czarnecki, AIA, Principal: New Traditional Architecture
I have watched our neighborhoods and business districts turn into scenes of trauma as our neighbors experiencing a mental health crisis are confronted by the Police, as neighbors are unsure of who to call. We need a more humane and effective solution for everyone.
Chris Bonner, Owner, Love Portland Group
With the exponential rise in homelessness everywhere, it’s up to every community to do what it can to alleviate the suffering of those sleeping without shelter. We need an effective and humane approach that can act as a model for the nation.
Larisa Zimmerman, Owner, Peregrine Relocations
This makes so much more sense than our current system.
Joey Gleason, Owner
Because we are a community, and we need community-based, compassionate responses to our shared challenges.
Ashlee Albies, Albies & Stark LLC
It is a humane and compassionate and wise way to see those in crisis as fellow human beings.
Beth Neel, Co-Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church
In working with the Interfaith Alliance on Poverty, and in teaching, I have become aware of how difficult it is for people who are un-housed or in a mental health crisis to interact in any positive way with people who appear in a policing role. The Portland Street Response offers trained intervention that can calm the fragile citizen and encourage them to work toward a solution to their crisis in a less confrontive manner. Portland Street Response can prevent escalation into negative behavior. .
Sharon Rae Richen, Interfaith Alliance on Poverty: Coordinator
I am in support and in relationship with several long time guests of St Francis Dining Hall. Many of these folks have been houseless for several years. Also many need significant help with mental and addictive issues. Each one is a child of God and important. Peace.
Joe Rastatter, Member/Leader St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish
Congregation Shir Tikvah believes that all human beings are holy and deserve to be treated with compassion and dignity.
Ariel Stone, Rabbi Congregation Shir Tikvah
Our community needs to rethink how we respond to mental health and housing emergencies with compassion not criminalization. The police should not be the answer.
Kaylyn Berry, Architect, FFA Architecture and Interiors
I want to live in a city that practices humanity in the face of human crises, and does not continue the violence.
Arlette Slachmuylder
I volunteer with houseless people and see first hand the need for non-police response to mental health and drug crisis.
Susan Maloy
Illness and homelessness should be treated, not punished.
Terry Lambeth
I know a number of people living on the streets who are experiencing metal health issues and/or drug addiction, and I want them treated with the care, compassion and respect they deserve when they are in crisis.
John Bates, Freelance Writer
I also work in SE Portland, near 82nd &Foster. As one who grew up in Portland, the single most important thing I ask of my City is a compassionate response to those who are living on our streets. Everyone deserves the basic necessities, including a helping hand when they are in crisis.
Sue Staehli
This seems totally sensible, and long overdue.
Victor Bloomfield
I want and need another way to help my passengers, and not simply rely upon law enforcement. I want to be more humane, and be more in line with the needs of my riders when it comes to providing help, especially in a moment of health crisis.
Thomas Palmer, Light Rail Operator, TriMet
Those without homes among us deserve our help & compassion.
Sharon Thorne
This is a well thought out plan that needs to be implemented immediately.
Joell Bradshaw, Music and Movement Instructor/Social Worker MSW
So many crises on the street are mental health. Police response is not what’s needed. This will free up police response to address criminal offenses and create a mental health response that addresses the real problem. For the many that have housing, this creates a safer and saner life because crises are addressed appropriately. For the unhoused, it is a compassionate solution.
Pat Zimmer
Active volunteer with Street Roots
Rick Zimmer
I am a strong supporter of street roots and the unhoused
Joanne McClarty
As a concerned citizen, i want everyone to have a chance to have a human, caring response that will help a person resolve whatever situation they find themselves facing on the street.
Jill Spencer
Portland needs a better way to engage with people experiencing homeless during times of crisis. It is not fair to police and fire to continually put them in the first responder role when an alternative approach is needed.
Alexander Hofmann
I know it has worked in Eugene for a long time. Folks in crisis, especially those who are unhoused, need compassion and understanding, not the strong fist of the law.
Barbara J. Fields
Homelessness is widespread in Oregon. Portland has the opportunity to provide leadership with this response plan.
Steve Linn
Portland needs a new system of first responders that matches the right response to the happening crises. No every crises is a crime, yet currently our system results in high arrests of unhoused people, who then have another obstacle to climb, potentially driving them deeper into poverty. This is a waste of city resources and only exacerbates an already acute problem in our city.
Shannon Holt
My husband worked with many people suffering from severe mental disorders as an army medic during WWII and later as a nurse and an ordained clergyman. I worked in a hospital with doctors, nurses and social workers. I want my tax dollars to go for compassionate responses for people in crisis, responses that work. I am 93 years old and remember when we taught our children that the policeman was their friend. Too many people now have cause to feel threatened, not safer, in the presence of police.
Elizabeth Sheppard, Retired
We MUST change how we help our communities who live on the streets and those who experiences crisis. Enough is enough! It is time for us to have support in tending to our people. PLEASE, PLEASE! We unquestionably need this Portland Street Response pilot program.
Vic Huston, Student, Portland State University
We need more mental health response.
Carol Evenden
We need a plan built and endorsed by folks who are affected by houselessness
Maro Sevastopoulos
I have a brother-in-law in Seattle who has spent 20 years helping addicts recover. Many of them just need a decent chance at recovery, and someone who will listen to them.
Steve Gerrard
It’s the right thing to do
William Cunninghame
It’s a long needed step in the right direction to help people in a way that the police really cannot do.
Stan Penkin
I was trained as a mental health professional and agree it is high time these street crisis issues were addressed as such and not by law enforcement in order not to inflict further trauma.
Marjorie Nafziger
Because it makes a lot of sense.
Bobby Weinstock, Housing Advocate — Northwest Pilot Project
Before he died, my brother Peter, who didn’t live on the streets but suffered from mental illness, had several encounters with Portland police. While the officers tried to be gentle with him, the guns, flashing lights, threat of arrest traumatized Peter, made him fearful, and exacerbated his illness. A non-threatening and well trained street responder would have led to less anguish for Peter.
Ed Curtin
It’s better than sending the cops!
Charlie Raymond
Because we need assistance on the streets to take care of the mentally ill, street sleeping, addicted and just the homeless population and try to help them avoid illness disease and injury -I could go on
Richard Sly, Of Counsel Disability Attorney
What an incredible idea to help those in need at a time of crisis without the use of force or the perception of force. Uniforms often provoke a fear response in many who have had connections with the law. This would free up police and fire to attend to those situations that they are trained for and excel at.
Heather Stadick
This is the most humane, responsible response to community members in need. This is NOT a job for police.
Diana Richardson
I am a community volunteer, peer support specialist and advocate for the houseless and mental/behavioral health needs. This approach of collaboration is way overdue. It will work and I hope we don’t have to wait long to grow it.
Ruthie Benjamin, AMHSAAC Executive Committee
There is a great need to find better and safer ways to respond to people on the street in crisis. This plan would be a promising beginning.
Christfriede Larson
Many people have medical, emotional, spiritual emergencies /crises for which a compassion based community response is needed & the PSR team will provide that & free police to do their work. A police officer did compassionately respond to an injured person in a substance affected state on 11-16-19 on NW 9th & Glisan when 911 was called for medical assist.
Paula Lilley
I thought this was a sanctuary city. Let’s show the nation we can respond as well as Eugene at scale.
Paul Hanford, Unemployed
My wife and I moved from a small Willamette Valley town to downtown Portland (SW) in May of 2015. On our first day of residence, I walked to our Park Blocks Starbucks for coffee and met a Street Roots vendor by the name of Kevin. This encounter led to a 4 year friendship that lasted until Kevin’s untimely death this past August at the age of 46.
Dennis Day, Retired public school teacher
First responders have become the bridge between those who do not have housing, those who live with physical and mental illness, and those experiencing abject poverty. As a bridge to services we need compassion and understanding not punishment of vulnerable members of our population. While this strategy does not solve the problem of the need for housing and services, it mitigates the harm done while solutions are developed.
Katrina Levin
We need more compassion for those of us who are unlucky enough to have fallen through. I’ve been homeless, my friends have been, with rising rents it will be more of us, and the most in need of us are often the most susceptible. We need to protect our collective humanity.
Sav Rogalski
Until all are housed we need to stop criminalize homelessness
Mary Anne Joyce
This is humane and cost effective.
Heidi Yorkshire
Any one of us could become homeless or suffer mental illness. I believe that most people in crisis have reached that point through bad fortune, not by design. I’m a “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” sort of person.
Elizabeth Cooksey
It makes sense as a means of directing appropriate skills, resources, and attention to people at risk.
Patrick Hartigan
We can do better, and we must. How can it be that Portland doesn’t already have a more compassionate and effective response for people experiencing mental health crises? This should be fully funded and scaled up to meet the need in our community. People’s lives are on the line.
Kathy Kniep
It’s time. Let’s give this a chance.
Jan Molinaro
Humane response to homelessness is better than criminalizing it.
Anne Sigrun
Having gotten to know many houseless people, including my own mother, it is clear that mental illness both cases homelessness & is caused by homelessness. Treating mental and emotional crisis like a crime does not serve the individual or the community. The more marginalized and mistreated someone becomes, the worse their mental illness becomes, as well. When our community suffers in this way, we all suffer. It is all around us. The way out is to treat people like people and help instead of ticket or imprison.
Jessica Rosenberg
I worked as part of a crisis response team at one point in my career. It was clear this was a good approach for people with mental health issues. It was also helpful to the police, who accompanied us and were glad to have us as a resource.
Veronica Poklemba
Its a brilliant campaign, its parallel plan, Cahoots, is working great in Eugene, it will put the responsibility for social service support for our houseless population where it belongs and it will save the city money that can be used for reparations for Black and Indigenous people. (which I hope will be considered!)
Debra Kolodny, Rabbi and Executive Director, As the Spirit Moves Us
PSR is good for first responders and great for people on the street that need a hand up.
Kevin Kaufman
For the grace of God, go I.
Jack Bradley
There has to be a better way…let’s try this one
Joan Hartzell, IATSE
Because of my experience volunteering at Sisters of the Road, Operation Nightwatch & Books to Prisoners. Folks need support & care not criminalization!
Debora Wilson
Based on my reading and observations about what works, I support this campaign!
Ellen Levine, Retired
The police are not the ones who should help someone in a crisis of oneself. They seem to make matters worse instead of helping the person experiencing a crisis.
We live in troubled and troubling times. Crisis behavior is increasing and needs to be handled with compassionate care, not fear and violence by those called to respond.
Sulima Malzin
We need an intervention that clearly understands mental health and other issues involved in homelessness.
Rosemary Wilson
It is undignified and dispassionate to allow mentally ill persons, children and homeless to love on the streets in harsh, unsafe and non-hygenic conditions. It is a public safety and health issue to allow people to openly use drugs and defecate on our sidewalks, in front of businesses, and at public parks. The city is a disgusting lawless mess that our public officials are failing on all levels to its tax paying residents and most vulnerable population.
Christina Bloom
I support a humane approach to serving people who need our help, who are in crisis, and need to know that there are services and supports for them.
Cathey Briggs, Retired
My husband and I have lived in the Sunnyside neighborhood for 35 years. Over the last five years we’ve seen an increasing number of on house people sometimes sleeping literally on the sidewalk. At the moment, and this is not uncommon, there is someone camping in his van right next to our home. We are concerned about the plight of the unhoused. We we need to know that, should we see someone needing help, we can be sure that an APPROPRIATE, skillful, cost-effective response will be coordinated by the city. We support funding the Portland Street Response. Thank you
Carole Most, RN (retired)
I have lived, worked, studied & played in Portland for well over a decade now. In that time I have seen our city’s streets change in alarming ways. The homeless, drug & mental health issues this city faces are staggering. While prompt law enforcement is essential, Portland needs to enable every available resource to help in crisis situations and help prevent problems before they escalate. This doesn’t always require the Police, and I fully support a crisis response plan & team to be part of our city’s toolkit.
Raymond Salow, Sommelier & Wine Educator – Noble Rot
Because what happens in Portland will show the way for the rest of our communities and cities throughout Oregon. We in Lane County are watching and planning along with you!
Lon Otterby
It is the humane thing to do. Free up police for criminal issues, and provide appropriate support for vulnerable people.
Stephen Auerbach
It is our moral obligation to ensure that all people to have their basic social, health and emotional needs met, to have the opportunity to become their full human selves, and to have hope.
Molly Little, North Clackamas School District
Only a fraction of people on the street require police intervention for their own safety or safety of others. Street Response can intervene and/or provide aid for the majority more effectively–and more economically!
Patrick Story
Street Roots knows what happening at street level….Please listen cause they know…The Gangs and drug selling in Brooklyn neighborhood–Graffiti is bad….I’m concerned….You can’t find Parking…All those new housing need parking spaces built under them…pay the homeless to plant trees…
Karen Whitehead, Retired
Our neighbors deserve to be treated with dignity and respect ESPECIALLY at moments of crisis.
Paul Souders, Self-employed
People living on the streets have been traumatized. The only way to help them via first responders is through a compassionate and humane approach. Law enforcement professionals are not trained for this kind of approach. Healthcare and behavorial health experts are.
Tom Hering, Self-Employed
We need to start addressing the people living on the street with compassion and stop wasting valuable police time on issues of people in crisis. The police need to deal with criminals not people having a mental breakdown. I hope this program works and no one is injured in the process.
Char Pennie
Lets help the vulnerable on our streets. Too many people out here have mental issues.
David Potts, Owner of The Furniture Doctor
I support this organization because I have a family member incarcerated as well as other inmates I have become acquainted with who are trying to turn their lives around and become positive members of society. Two of these inmates will be out within in 2-5 years and emotional support is extremely important as well as opportunities to become welcomed members in society.
Linda Miranda
I have lived in Portland for twenty years. Listening to the claims of progressiveness while witnessing the actions of dismissiveness.
crystal malmgren
I have lived here for eight years. During that time I have seen homeless numbers rise. I support humane and compassionate solutions for equitable living conditions for all.
Helen White
As a criminal justice expungement attorney, I am aware that we need alternatives to the current punitive and disruptive response to houseless people. The Portland Street Response begins the process of healing by making sure that the criminal justice system is not the “first responder” to issues related to the homeless. In the end this will save the city money and pave the way for a compassionate, comprehensive solution.
Emilie Junge, Criminal Justice Attorney
I have been affiliated with the Interfaith Alliance on Poverty. We have had empathy and a keen interest in helping so many houseless people who have no where to sleep or reside other than the street. Based on the success of the CHOOTS program in Eugene, OR I believe Portland should move ahead with the pilot project presented to
Fraser Rasmussen, Retired
They do an amazing job of providing people living with housing insecurity an opportunity to gain income, dignity and community.
Jeanie Lunsford-Batson, Dir., Marketing & Communications, LifeWorks NW
I volunteer with a needle exchange and work with a non-profit that provides a community space with dinner, hygiene supplies, and other services to women in need. I hear stories every week about negative interactions with police and the fear and mistrust that is deeply embedded in the community. So much so, that folks won’t call for help when they really do need it. We need a more compassionate way to respond to common health and safety issues that does not involve law enforcement. We need to CARE for and SUPPORT all of the members of our community, not PUNISH them.
Eliza Hooshiar, Program Associate, Rahab’s Sisters
It is necessary to [treat] all with dignity and respect.
Vinn Arjuna Martí, President Soul Motion LLC
Day-to-day, safety is an issue on the minds of all Portlanders. Many of us agree that, as it stands today, our city is not a safe place for all— neither in perception or reality. Our communities are resilient. We must put forth policies that respect this fact. It is imperative that we come together as a community for a critical rethinking of what public safety means and for whom.
Sarah Iannarone, Candidate, City of Portland Mayor 2020
Montavilla Emergency Warming Shelter (MEWS) is a queer/trans organized, low barrier severe weather shelter, grounded in anti-racist, trauma informed, person-centered, and harm reduction approaches to community care, and mutual aid.
Sophie Lord, Treasurer and Shelter Volunteer – Montavilla Emergency Warming Shelter (MEWS)
Last yr. 52% of PPD arrests were homeless people. Stop criminalizing poverty and let’s get to work with ideas like this one solving it. Taking tents, ID, meds et al is so mean spirited it breaks my heart.
Rev. Sandra Decker
The Downtown Neighborhood Association (DNA) believes that a city-based, coordinated set of services are needed to deal with the wide range of circumstances and needs of our homeless population.
Walter Weyler, DNA Board Chair
The Old Town neighborhood is host to the largest concentration of services to the houseless and those suffering from mental illness and addiction. Often we observe people in crisis and would much prefer a resource that is more qualified and has more chance for success than an armed police, who should also be focused on other matters of crime.
Old Town Community Association
Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance objects to the abusive treatment of house less residents of Portland at the hands of police who are neither trained for nor suited for interactions with these most vulnerable members of our society. House less ness is not a crime.
Rabbi Ariel Stone, Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance
Central City Concern is a direct service provider, we work alongside approximately 14,000 people each year through our 13 federally qualified health center, 2,100 affordable homes and our employment access center. Crisis response is deeply needed in our community better connect people with the resources they are seeking and provide direct care and treatment that best aligns with their needs. The acuity of need among our core population continues to get more complex and a new approach of response and care is needed to ensure safety for all our community members. We are excited to see the city take on this body of work and look forward to more opportunities to engage and support a new system of crisis response that centers people and health.
Central City Concern, Public Policy Director
Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship supports compassionate response to emergencies in Portland. We join Commissioner JoAnn Hardesty in calling for Street Response.
Compassion is one of the four Divine Abodes in Buddhism. We endorse compassionate action and the reduction of violence.
Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship, K. Kendall
As a growing network of 14 faith-based communities, we work together to bring help and hope to men, women, and children living in poverty. We believe the Portland Street Response Plan is a proven, compassionate plan to help people in crisis living on the streets.
Tom Hering, Advocacy Co-Chair, Interfaith Alliance on Poverty
It makes sense.
Julie Sheppard
It just makes sense!
Kayla Solsbak
Too many unhoused people with nowhere to go. We need to give them a place to go instead of sweeping them away.
Judy McLean
We need a compassionate response to the homeless crisis in Portland.
Teri Duffy
Thoughtful plan that speaks to the complex nature of helping homeless women and men who may have mental health issues and have limited capacity for self-care.
Humane idea for a problem that needs all the humanity it can get.
Portland needs a BIG response to people living on the streets without permanent shelter. This initiative is a beginning.
Ron & Naomi Dagen Bloom
I am a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I believe there are many people who are houseless that need a compassionate approach to difficult situations. I also believe this will support our police in allowing them to use their time in other areas of their work.
Denise Busch
People on the streets are suffering and police are not equipped to help beyond a referral. We need to respond to our neighbors with compassion and help them get the kind of support they need.
Lori Slaughter
We need professionally trained, empathetic people who can provide houseless folks with the help that they need. No handcuffs, no arrests, no potential for violence.
Alvin P.
The extreme high percentage of arrests of homeless over the past several years is only dealing with the symptoms, not the causes. The new response program provides a great opportunity to try a new positive approach to deal with the problems on the street. It needs the chance to test the process to help deal with the problems.
Ross Plambeck, retired
People without a place to live or sleep should not have to face the possibility of arrest or humiliation every night.
Adrianne Leary
Because police suck at crisis de-escalation
Cory Elia, Journalist, Village Portland
Every day I work with houseless people and people at imminent risk of houselessness who live in vulnerability to police violence. People with mental health issues are particularly vulnerable, and often avoid calling police in emergencies for this reason. I personally had a traumatic experience with police trying to take me into custody after getting calls from both myself and my abuser related to a domestic violence incident. My abuser had called the police to tell them I was psychotic, and they immediately assumed that I was the threat. While the majority of police officers do the best they can, the fact is that people with guns and combat vests should not be the ones responding to mental health crisis calls. It is essential that the first responders to these calls be people who are trained to save lives, not end them.
Anthony Bencivengo, Community Information Specialist, 211info//Volunteer, Portland Tenants United
a civil [way] to respond, not with police with guns
Heather Kennedy
The Portland Street Response is a great step toward providing safe and proactive care to those in need and to diminish the city’s ineffective reliance on the police.
Carly Ng, Retail Manager at Lan Su Chinese Garden
As an adult male living with developmental disabilities and being chronically houseless throughout my life. Today is no different and I fully support Street Roots.
Jerald McDade
Too many people are on the streets without the resources they need to have full agency over their lives. Homelessness is not a crime, and this initiative gives us options other than law enforcement for helping people heal and get back on their feet.
Marion McNamara
I think it is obvious that we need a better solution than what we have right now. It will be a much more humane and safer method for all concerned. My son left the Portland Police Bureau because he didn’t feel safe. We need our officers to concentrate on criminal activities not the homeless.
Barbara Morrison
Because it is needed, well thought out and timely
Helen Hill, Street Roots Reporter and Volunteer
Homelessness is not a crime. Mental illness is not a crime. Yet having police respond to these tragedies ensures they will be treated as such. It’s time to ensure those experiencing these traumatic life events receive an appropriate and compassionate response!
Camela Hicks
I see far too many people on the streets that need assistance. I do not want them arrested or removed from their familiar neighborhood as I wouldn’t want them to have more fear or disruption in tier already fragile existence.
Valerie Vala
I think it is important to have appropriate response, response that can treat/heal rather than punish.
Claire Alexander
I support the Portland Street Response Campaign because I was a Liaison for the Homeless population there in Portland /Salem,Oregon,as well as, theHenderson/Las Vegas,Nevada metro area. I was a homeless student attending and living on the Warner Pacific University campus while I was an undergraduate studying to obtain my Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration with empathizes on Leadership and Management. I graduated from Warner Pacific University on May 6,2017 having obtained and received my Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration in Portland,Oregon. I am still in the process of looking and obtaining work in middle management or higher however since moving back from Portland,Oregon to Henderson/Las Vegas,Nevada my struggle has been very difficult because I am still out on the Henderson/Las Vegas,Nevada metro area streets where the local government(s) both Henderson and Las Vegas,Nevada are starting to impose “Citations and ‘Criminalize” on their homeless population here in which I am one of them because the Henderson/Las Vegas,Nevada claims to be a “Sanctuary State,” however I would totally disagree because of their “lack of services,” for the homeless population, plus Henderson/Las Vegas,Nevada do not even want to build any kind of “Affordable Housing,” for any of their homeless population or low income individuals either! If I do not obtain work here soon I am about to loose everything I own! I ,too,if thing side not work out for me by the end of this month by October 31,2019 I will be headed back home to Portland,Oregon because the Henderson/Las Vegas,Nevada citizens do not have a lot of empathy/compassion or “acceptance” of their own homeless population and refuse to do anything about it and would rather complain about their homeless population here rather than working on trying to find a solution(s) to their issues/problems regarding the homeless population here.
I support the Portland Street Response campaign because when I lived in Portland,Oregon I was attending as an undergrad at Warner Pacific University at their Mt. Tabor Campus your Street Roots Newspaper had helped many of my homeless friends both men and women living on the streets of Portland,Oregon.
I support the Portland Street Response campaign because when I was living homeless on the City Streets of Portland,Oregon many of my homeless friends men and women worked for Street Roots Newspaper. I was an undergrad homeless student living in an apartment on the Warner Pacific University campus from August 2014 until I graduated on May 6,2017. While I attended WPU I received help from Cascadia Health Services located down the street on Division Street from where WPU was located.I had suffered from four different types of disabilities and one of them was full-blown PTSD which I was able to get help with via counseling services offered through Cascadia Health Services which in turn help me to understand and control my Full blown PTSD because I was able to with the counselors there at Cascadia Health Services, as well as, with WPU counseling service help me to identify what my primary triggers where for my Full -blown PTSD to help control my sudden outbursts/angry I would feel which was a result of my Full blown PTSD along with the other three disabilities I had to learn to deal with during that time while I had been attending college at Warner Pacific University in Portland,Oregon. Since my graduating from Warner Pacific University on May 6,2017 and trying to relocate back to Henderson/Las Vegas,Nevada has not been easy for me to make this transition because the Las Vegas,Nevada metro-area does not offer services, like for example,CAHOOTS does in Eugene,Oregon and they do not have any affordable housing nor does this city seem to care much about their most venerable citizens living outside homeless on their city streets here, unlike Portland,Oregon which is a city that has a lot of compassion and empathy for their homeless population there! I have begun the transition process to leave this city of Henderson/Las Vegas,Nevada metro-area since I feel there is “No Love here to be found for any of their homeless population and plan to go back home via Greyhound bus pass or airplane to the Portland,Oregon metro-area as soon as possible by God’s grace and will! Respectfully Submitted, Lori Jean McCorkle
Lori Jean McCorkle
There are so many people, valuable people on the streets, that are visable, yet invisible. Many with mental health issues not having the same rights as others seen by our first responders.
Mary Barbee, Community Activist
How can you expect to end homelessness without supporting the homeless directly?
Mason Taylor
I read about a similar project in Eugene and it seemed so helpful and necessary.
Yosef Trachtenberg
Poverty is not a crime, it is a disgusting injustice that more funding goes to our police force than social, health, and housing services for people who need them. We are addressing (often imagined) symptoms of poverty, instead of its roots. Reducing the policing of poverty and people experiencing homelessness – especially people with mental illnesses, LGBTQ+ people, and POC – is a necessary first step.
Tamara Chacon, Transition Projects
I want to be able to call someone besides armed police to help out people in need.
David Henry
As a trained mental health professional, I know that wrong (harsh or ‘criminal-like’) responses can further traumatize vulnerable people whose earlier traumas led to their present difficulties. More than ever, another more appropriate response is needed to help bring calm…and needed services.
Marjorie Nafziger
I would rather deal with someone I know personally than assume what some armed individual ‘might’ be thinking on any encounter anywhere. I am tired of the continual string of encounter scene homicides since Mejea Poot in 2001 coming out of a mental health clinic to the present. Mejea Poot is the first one I was witness to as I protested with concerned audience his demise in city hall with my church.
David Bailey
Housing is a human right
John Vervynck
We need humane, trauma-informed responses to homelessness!
Amy Ruff, LCSW
It seems like we hear about a police officer killing an unarmed, and mentality unstable person every few weeks. We must say enough is enough and create a team of individuals that are available to help, not hurt.
Alex Preston
I read an article about this plan in Street Roots over the summer and see it as an excellent example of adapting resources to fit a communities needs. Portland has the opportunity to set an example to cities across the US for how to support it’s citizens with compassion.
Emma Ganger-Spivak
I support this because no one in crisis deserves to be punished. They deserve care.
Amanda Squiemphen-Yazzie
People on the street should be treated with compassion, not disdain and punishment.
Joyce Zerwekh, Retired nurse
I support Portland having a more fair approach to homelessness and mental health crisis that doesn’t rely on criminalizing homelessness, which will be safer for our neighbors without homes than having them interact with PPB.
CJ Lee, case manager, Outside In housing department
University Park Condos is located in an area highly impacted by people struggling with homelessness and behavioral crises. We understand that most of the struggle is not a law enforcement issue, and that the problems people encounter are best handled by mental health specialists and social workers. This will be a big step toward responding to the homeless with compassion. Providing this resource not only helps them have more agency in their lives, but helps them be better neighbors to the local residents. I have worried that continuous contact with people in crises becomes frightening to residents who are themselves housed, and in time that fear can translate into a lack of compassion and empathy.
University Park Condominiums, Marion McNamara, Board Chair
Because in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Nili Yosha, Executive Director, Outside the Frame
I meet with folks on the bike path quite regular and don’t know where to send them when they are victims of violence. I houseless woman I know recently called the police because her son was in a mental health crisis and was beating her. The police responded: “we can’t help you unless a criminal act has occurred.” We need a better response, an organized, compassionate, and medical one. The cops are not helpful in this regard and they are often dangerous. I advise my houseless neighbors to not call the cops, but I cannot provide a helpful alternative. This type of response is crucial!
Human Family
I endorse the Portland Street Response campaign because it’s crucial our city stops criminalizing mental health episodes, and address them in a more practical and humane manner.
Richard Gilliam
As the former chair of the Eugene Downtown Neighborhood Association (2001-2005) I have had the opportunity to observe CAHOOTS– the prototype for Portland Street Response– in action on several occasions. They are quick, compassionate, and effective for both the person enduring the crisis and for the neighborhood. They do their job without police intervention, which is a winning strategy for everyone.
David Mandelblatt
I volunteer with Potluck in the Park regularly. I have seen many opportunities for intervention during that time. Times when a calm conversation can back all the difference.
Betsy Harper, Owner, Harper Construction & Renovation, LLC
Everyone has a right to be treated humanely. Housing and health care is a human right. I see a very real need for Portland Street Response every day.
Angie Aldrich, Retired
Street Response is critical because it is smart, ethical, humane, compassionate and on top of that, it will save the city money. We MUST honor our houseless population-provide them the services they need and that any human deserves and has a right to. THANK YOU STREET ROOTS for taking the lead on this!
Portland Spirit Led Justice Alliance
There is an obvious crisis of imbalance in resource deployment for mentally challenged houseless Portland Citizens. One condition precipitates the other. Public safety is challenged on both sides of any potential encounter. Fear , under or over reaction by first responders tend to create a catch 22 , lose , lose situation for all concerned. This action taken by our City leaders is a huge step in the right direction that offers some stability and hope in our shared living space.
Mikal Shabazz, Imam, Overlook Oregon Islamic Chaplains Organization
The PSR will save lives, build trust, and weave the kind of community that is possible and so, so necessary in Portland.
Thea Kindschuh
I have seen police respond with violence. We must change this kind off response. I support Portland Street Response campaign.
Lorraine Heller, Raging Grannies
I support this campaign because the police do not act in any way that I deem appropriate especially with regards to the homeless, PoC, disability community or LGBT+ folks. We need community resources that actually help people. We need trained people who’s job it is to show up and help people navigate social resources. People deserve better and I hope Portland will be a leader in the effort to humanize and unify the people.
Drew Robinson-Woods, Teacher
After working at Sisters of the Road for a year, it became evident to me that the Portland Police Bureau was SYSTEMICALLY targetting poor folks living outside. This is, of course, in addition to their systemic targetting of BIPOC and other marginalized folks, including trans folk. I watched over and over as PPB officers talked down to the folks sleeping outside of the cafe, swept them, stole their belongings, and laughed as they watched folks try to pack up their lives to move a few blocks away, only to be asked to move again in a few days. This is inhumane, unjust, and a disgusting excuse for “public safety”. I know that Street Response doesn’t tackle the issue of sweeps or PPB being called for things they’re not suited to handle (although let’s be honest, the police aren’t suited to handle anything and are ineffective and unjust). However, Street Response is a step in the right direction towards limiting the power that PPB has over certain domains and actually getting trained individuals to help out folks and not criminalize mental illness and poverty. I do hope the Street Response eventually does do away with any and all interactions with the cops.
Jake Maginn
We need to understand that there are a variety of reasons people are on the street. Those with Behavioral Health issues need a different approach to what we have been doing, that is, calling the police. I urge us to took at what happens when a team of first responders have more than just police officers, a team with a variety of expertise to address the variety of individuals they will encounter.
gloria halper, retired PPS teacher
It should not be a crime to be living in poverty. We need first responders who are properly trained to address the mental health needs of human beings living on the streets.
Barbara Ruben
We have a mental health crisis in Portland.
Susan Haywood
I am an unhoused resident that experiences and witnesses first hand the continued development of trauma on the streets of Portland. Having witnessed improper conduct exhibited by PPB and the citizens of Portland in response to this trauma I know the dire need, in fact the necessity, of the Portland Street Response Team. The PPB and standard citizen is not equipped or trained to deal with these crisis as or scenarios. Our city is crumbling and the mental health of all of our residents is deteriorating at an alarming speed. I proudly support Care vs Criminalization!
Alexa Simpson
Care VS Criminalization! I support Portland Street Response campaign!
Vanessa Perone
I have worked at CCC health clonic& Multnomah county health department with this population
Karen Erde
I am a person of faith and conscience who believes that all people are children of God and should be treated as such. This means being given the benefit of the doubt, being treated with dignity and respect, and being treated as we ourselves wish and deserve to be treated. This is why my husband and fully support Portland Street Response.
Roberta Badger-Cain
Because everyone deserves a voice, a chance, and care!! I am a proud supporter of Street Roots
Mallory Smith
I’m happy to support this program. We need to decriminalize homelessness and ensure we are connecting our houseless community members with the services they need.
Kirsten Naito, Candidate for Multnomah County District Attorney
We need to become a better community and treat ALL people as precious. The police need and deserve support in dealing with incidents related to mental illness and homelessness.
Erica Rubin
Empathy for those who are not as lucky as I am. “ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Sidney GoldEmpathy
On several instances I’ve directly witnessed inappropriate or excessive police/emergency response to situations involving Portland residents.
A.D. Butz, Sociologist, Portland Community College
Justice demands than the response to every crisis cannot be with police but rather a response that seeks to help the individual in crisis.
David Delk, President. OR Progressive Party
This is a better way for so many reasons. I greatly appreciate the work that has been done to get this going and it will be so good for the health and well-being of the entire PDX community.
Alicia Printemps-Herget, RN
I support this campaign because armed officers are not the best first responders in most situations. This program will lead to better results to those individuals they respond to and will make our communities safer.
Julia DeGraw, Portland Forward
I have a mentally ill brother who has been picked up by the police. Not in Portland.
Jill Neuwelt, MSSW
My daughter, Meghan, has been passionate about helping her Portland homeless friends and this program is an excellent move to assist them.
Tim Murphy
Portland Street Response is the nonviolent crisis intervention that Portland needs! I’ve personally heard directly from hundreds of people experiencing homelessness that PSR would benefit them immensely. Not every crisis is a crime! Support those who need it most with kindness and resources.
Meghan Murphy
I was a social worker with chronically mentally ill folks. This will be an excellent service. I almost wish I was young enough I would apply, I’d love it.
Dave King, retired
Thank you for believing that cooperation among polarized constituencies is still possible, for working toward a more humane community, for giving hope.
David Abel, Proprietor, Passages Bookshop
I volunteer with Street Roots. I know many of the unhoused people. They are good and deserving people. I’m concerned about their well being. I care about them. They deserve so many more services than they currently receive. With a hand up many of them would not be on the streets. We should and can do more for our houseless population.
Susan Maloy
We must make every attempt to come together as a community, meet people where they are and help them thrive.
dana louis, Director-Gather:Make:Shelter
I think you know why and I am very busy trying to keep Operation Nightwatch on it’s game to expand. Thank You!
Paul D Underwood, Executive Director; Operation Nightwatch Portland
Our neighbors need to know that when they need help they will get actual help.
Kathryn Burlingham
We need to start treating homelessness like the humanitarian crisis that it is, and that means recognizing that the police should not be involved in nonviolent situations in Portland.
Alex Wyrick
I’m no longer dreaming in American.
Brandon Vernon
I support this because it feels like a significantly more compassionate solution to the issue. Someone in crisis doesn’t need a threat-filled response, they need someone who will hear what they really need and help them get that.
Pete Hamrick
Lacking access to a home is a tragedy, not a crime, and it doesn’t serve us to treat it like one. I’m hopeful that Portland is ready to try another way.
Carrie Sanneman
This is more important than ever. We must support those who are most vulnerable.
Matt Kedzie, Owner, Starter Bread
People in the throes of trauma need compassionate resources in times of crisis.
Casey Carpenter, Dr. Casey Carpenter, LLC
People experiencing houselessness in Portland need and deserve much better support from the city, and they sure as hell aren’t going to get it from the police. This measure is a great step toward the sort of support and care we ought to be offering to people who are on the street and/or having a mental health crisis.
Brian Benson
I’ve been an addict. Or, rather, I’m a sober addict. The way the puritans in charge view addiction is ignorant. And thousands suffer for it. They endure terror for satisfying what their brains have convinced them they NEED. Addicts need help, not cops.
Porter Margaretsen, Carpenter
Portland Police are ineffective at solving crime and the current policing approaches are dehumanizing and deeply prejudiced against multiple segments of our society.
shara alexander
We need more community support systems for public safety. We should treat our communities like we care about the well-being and welfare of our neighbors. Instead of violence, or instigating fear, or distrust- we should put in place programs to help those who need the help the most (those who haven’t had access to the resources that they need). Lets start with getting people basic mental health, drug addiction rehab, and skills to help them with employment or a position in job corps or Americorps or something that they can feel like they are contributing to society with purpose . These are ways we can help start to change the systems that are currently in place, systems which do not truly help to promote equality
Miriam Agisim, MD, family medicine health center
Police response and over-utilization of 911 resources were never the appropriate response to mental health emergencies in the houseless population. This always led to further stigmatization of both the homeless population as well as those suffering from acute mental health emergencies. Not to mention further punishing those already most vulnerable by involving them with the legal system only adds further trauma.
Vivia Chi, Medical student
There’s been a steep increase in mental health crisis in Portland, which in turn deepens our houselessness issues. I support the move to shift our city’s budget towards PSR and fund mental health programs to get people the care they need if they so choose, and give them hope to get back on their feet.
Esther Mohrmann
I want to be a part of it. Why because I don’t need a gun to respond to these emergency situations. They need my mind out there resolving issues, helping. That being said how can I apply
Daniel Robles
Police often make crises worse. We need a better system to help those experiencing crises, especially mental health crises.
Fe Jackson
Coming from a family history of mental illness, depression, and alcoholism, I support reducing the presence of police that use violence and escalation techniques in situations that could easily be deescalated by a better trained expert.
scott holland, Software engineer
As a member of the community in Portland, my heart is saddened by the inappropriate response of law enforcement on our disadvantaged and diverse populations. A change needs to happen and is long overdue. The CAHOOTS model in which the PSR Team is modeled after is the answer our city needed years ago. This response team not only links trained individuals to the public’s needs, resolve situations, and provide help to members in our community but also relieves the PPB of calls they are not trained to respond to.
Cherie Swain
As a person trained in mental health and trauma response, I so clearly see the need for words, and not weapons, in the handling of crises. I have seen and experienced too many instances where the police handcuffed or abused someone in mental crisis, building fear and further traumatizing the victim.
Jonathan Irving
Portland is increasing viewed both inside and outside of the city as out of control when gangs are vandalizing public buildings, statues and even the police union headquarters. If this cannot be gotten under control, Portland will no longer be seen as a desirable destination city and the convention business will be impaired.
William Wieber
Too many calls to 911 bring police to mental health and “unwanted persons” issues. Collosal waste of their time.
Emily Herbert, none
As a Psychiatric Mental Heath Public Health Nurse I saw how difficult it was for people to get the help they needed in order to better their lives. Personally I also had a brother who lived on the streets. We need to offer humane treatment and help to our neighbors.
Marcella S Brady, Retired RN currently licensed
Mental health issues lead to hard times for almost all victims and their families. Those who suffer do not choose their condition and their situation is not a crime. We need ways to bring help and healing. Let’s be compassionate!
Jane Rabe
Having a loved one who has a severe mental illness, I fully understand what psychosis is like. I believe that because this six foot, strong young man is white and in a white neighborhood our interactions with police did not end in tragedy. They did however take up immense time with officers who really had very little skills on how to support or de-escalate.
Christy McMurtry
St. Stephen’s and so many others downtown understand our neighbors are struggling and need more than food and shelter. Sometimes they just need compassion and someone who can take the time to listen. We need PPB/PSR to partner with and support all the organizations that are doing amazing work.
Christy McMurtry, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Parish/Clay Street Table
I believe neighborhood response through crisis assistance, de-escalation, and mutual aid is more effective than police intervention. I work as a Paraeducator with students who are diagnosed with developmental disabilities in the public school system.
Jordan Chesnut, Portland Public Schools
We are a grassroots group focused on addressing the needs of community members who are experiencing housing insecurity, displacement, and/ or houselessness.
Oregon Renters in Action, Marih Alyn-Claire
Abolish the police and we can learn how to successfully take care of each other together. Punishment doesn’t work. Our brutal incarceration system creates more trauma and recidivism, and is directly responsible for generations of suffering for black and brown communities. We need real healing- this is the first step.
Tina Kolpakowski, Spark Academic Coaching
Defusing conflict and supporting people just seems like the most sensible approach – and most definitely not how the cops deal with people.
Elise Pellegrino
I trust Street Roots as well as the advocate who led me to this page.
Abigail Vaughan
There have been times in my southeast neighborhood when calling for help did NOT require or need an armed uniformed officer to respond. A woman lying in a pile of trash in front of Laurelhurst Theater and a man sitting in a tossed out sofa across from my house shouting to his demon. Both of these times the only professional help to call was police and there was nothing they could offer. A Portland Street Response group with social worker etc could offer many resources and return to check on any homeless person.
Francie Royce
From the outside PSR appears humane. It allows for police officers to do their important work, which is badly needed. Our city needs help. The problem is getting so visible that it is effecting our economy. Portland has always been a humane and beautiful place. We need to figure out a way forward with the mental health issues and the disparity of wealth that propagates a negative cycle. I can only hope this is a start. We also don’t need more violence in our streets like we saw last year. We need to figure out a safe way for everyone. There is likely additional needs, like cleaning up all the garbage, but I am hopeful this is an important piece of the puzzle.
Bryan Jones
It is such a sensible way to greet unhoused when they are having a mental health or addiction crisis
Joanne McClarty
I support the Portland Street Response campaign because this is a service that has been shown to be effective and humane in other Oregon communities. Why are we waiting to expand these services when our community is in such serious need of this kind of support? Evaluation can be done while these services are being provided and lives can be saved. The citizens of Portland have made clear that these services should be provided and they have backed that up with financial support of this program. Our city officials should be embracing and increasing these services instead of delaying the expansion of these services. Waiting for further evaluations will only add to the toll of violence our BIPOC communities are experiencing, and continue to place our police officers in situations that they should not be involved in. Please recognize the need to implement these life-saving services now.
Dixie Whetsell
I would like options for help that I’m not afraid to call.
Sophia Lang
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